Sunday, September 18, 2011

el número dos

One of my goals is to run a 5k, 10k, half marathon and then a full marathon.

Well, Lydia insisted to sign me up for a 5k this weekend. Am I ready? No flippin' way. Did she ask me if I wanted to? Nope. I guess it's a good motivation to start working my butt off for it. Then we're going to do a full Marathon on March 10, 2012. Maybe a half. We haven't discussed that part yet. I feel like I can train myself for a full by March 10th. What do you think? Lydia, maybe you should just sign me up for it so I make myself train. Oh, and when you wake up, no Angry Birds. Okay? She's slightly obsessed, guys. 

This, friends, is how it all begins:

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday's

Cardio for 30-45 minutes with heart rate at 135-138. I need to get one of those bracelets that help with balance because for some reason, I can't keep my balance on a treadmill. 

Tuesday's and Thursday's

20 minutes of cardio on treadmill with heart rate at 135-138
Leg extension- quads
Leg flexion- hamstrings 
Leg press- quads
glute hamraises- hamstrings
calves presses- calves 

All which is 2 sets of 15 reps (10-20 second break between each rep)

This is all so I can do this:

Well, I oughta go get some sleep so I can wake up and start training. 

p.s. the reason the title of this post is "el número dos" is because this is my second attempt to train for all of this and I thought number two sounded stupid so I put it in Spanish.

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